Prayer for the Week

O God, whose blessed Son came into the world that he might destroy the works of the devil and make us children of God and heirs of eternal life: Grant that, having this hope, I may purify myself as he is pure; that, when he comes again with power and great glory, I may be made like him in his eternal and glorious kingdom; where he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.†

Friday, December 28, 2012

Thank you choir

Thank you for your kind thoughts on my "special" day.  I appreciate your card and cake. 


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Christmas Hope

Hope.  It seems that in the midst of all that is falling a part around us, hope is what we all need.  Yet too often, it seems we allow ourselves to get swallowed up in the discourse of a world without hope and live in the gloom and despair of a sinful and fallen world.  We forget the good news that the Kingdom of God, though not fully realized, is here and now.  As we move forward  in history, we can witness the advance of God's Kingdom as it continues to overturn the a defeated regime.  Christ is victor and we are now participants in the benefits of that victory.  Without hope, we are lost and on a road to despair.  It is only by living in the reality of this hope that we have anything to offer to people like those who have recently experienced the tragedies of loss at such a personal level.  

After the evening presentation of Christmas Hope, I spoke with a women who shared that she had lost her sister earlier this week.  She had been unable to cry until the message of hope was proclaimed at our presentation.  We rejoiced in the fact that her sister may be absent from the body, but is present with the Lord.

Hope.  It is the gift of God we all need this year.  Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your gift to the community of Bradenton by proclaiming Christmas Hope through your lives and song!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

MARKING TIME: A Study in the Christian View of Time

from Rediscovering the Christian Feasts by Robert E. Webber


I recently visited Stonehenge, the site of mysterious megaliths in England. These huge stones (some of them up to one ton in weight) are arranged in a series of concentric circles in the beautiful farmland of England.

Interpreters of history argue that a prehistoric civilization once lived there on the great plains, of which Stonehenge was apparently a center. But no one is absolutely certain about the function of those mysteriously placed stones. One interesting explanation is that the stones mark time. They are placed in such a way that the light of the sun moves around the circle through each month of the year.

Whether or not the stones' primary purpose was marking time, no one knows for certain. But their presence point out that all people have ways to mark time. We all live by a yearly calendar that marks time from January to December. Many of us also mark time by an academic calendar that runs from September to June. We all have personal calendars in that mark time by special events such as marriages and births.


In the Scripture time is marked by God's saving events. An event time is called kairos (from which we get our word crisis). The time between kairos events is called chronos (from which we get our word chronology).

The Scriptural concept of time is obviously rooted in the Christ event as the kairos, or crisis time. The Christ event is the extraordinary time toward which all moves and from which all time proceeds. I like to think of the picture of an hourglass on its side.  The Christ event, of course, is the middle. Everything else gathers around it.

We speak of the Christ event and its relation to time in the following three ways:

• The Christ event is fulfilled time. In the Christ event the Old Testament expectation of the Messiah is fulfilled. Jesus himself said, "The time has come .... The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!" (Mark 1: 15). (See Peter's sermon on the day of Pentecost, Acts 2:14-36.)

• The Christ event is the time of salvation. The Christ event is that moment in time when God dethroned the powers and established salvation and healing for the world (see Col 2:15).

• The Christ event introduces anticipatory time. We live in the time between the cross and the disarming of the powers on the one hand, and the second coming and the destruction of the powers on the other. Consequently, Christians live in hope of the future, awaiting the final judgment on evil.


In order to understand the Christian year, we need to recognize that it is the Christian way of marking time, which is based on the kairos moments of God's action in history.

Christian time revolves around three important aspects of the Christ event:

• The birth of Christ: Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany are all related to the time of Christ's birth.

• The death and resurrection of Christ: Lent, Holy Week, and Easter mark these primary events of salvation.

• Pentecost and the second coming: Pentecost marks the coming of the Holy Spirit, the beginning of the church, and the expectation of the return of Je­sus.


Let's get better acquainted with the Christian year by looking more closely at each season.


The seasons of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany relate to the coming of Christ, the Light of the World (see John 1:1-9). These three seasons are called cycle of light because they focus on Christ, the Light of the World.


The word Advent means "coming." It signifies the period preceding the birth of Christ when the church anticipates the coming of the Messiah (see Isa 11:1-10). Today more and more Christians are recovering Advent because of the spiritual meaning it gives to Christmas in the face of a strong anti-Christian cultural bias, as well as the materialistic secularization of Christmas.


Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ and the incarnation of God among us (see Luke 2: 1-14). The real meaning of Christmas tends to get lost in the secular hoopla that surrounds this great saving event. The church is seeking to do more to emphasize its spiritual meaning.


The word Epiphany means "manifestation." It refers to Jesus' being manifested to the world as Messiah, Son of God, Savior of the World. The Epiphany is always commemorated on January 6 (the end of the twelve days of Christmas) and celebrates the coming of the Magi to pay homage to Jesus (see Matt 2: 1-12).


The second cycle of the Christian year includes Lent, Holy Week, and Easter. It ends on Pentecost day. This is frequently called the cycle of life because it recalls Jesus' death and resurrection (see John 15: 18-25).


Lent is a Latin word that means "spring." The spiritual meaning given to the word is preparation. During Lent we prepare with Jesus to move toward his death. This is why the notion of giving something up or taking on a spiritual discipline has become a central part of the Lenten spiritual journey.

Lent lasts forty days in keeping with the symbolic meaning of that number forty.  Moses spent forty years in the wilderness. Jesus spent forty days in the desert. In each case the sense of spiritual preparation for the task that lies ahead is central (see Matt 4:1-11).  During the forty days preceding the death of Jesus, we prepare to accompany him to his death.

Holy Week

During Holy Week the church enacts the final events that lead up to the crucifixion of Jesus. Holy Week originated in Jerusalem, where Christians marked the locations of the final events in Jesus' life. (Today the stations of the cross pilgrimage repeats the ancient road to the cross.) The final week begins with Palm Sunday and ends with what is called the Great Triduum (the three great days).  These days are Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the great paschal vigil of Saturday night that ends in the Easter celebration (see Mark 14-16).


Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus from the dead and all that the  resurrection implies (see 1 Cor 15:20-28). Many churches are beginning to recover the ancient practice of celebrating Easter for fifty days, culminating in the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

Pentecost and after Pentecost

Pentecost Sunday ends Easter and begins the third season, which stretches from Pentecost to Christ the King Sunday, the final Sunday before the first Sunday of  Advent when the cycle of light begins again.

This third period of time is called Ordinary Time because no saving events are celebrated after Pentecost. However, every Sunday is a celebration of Jesus' death and resurrection. In this sense every Sunday is a "little Easter." Pentecost season recalls the events of the church, its origins, and its growth. As Pentecost ends, the Church turns its attention toward the anticipation of the second coming of Christ. This is why the season after Pentecost ends with the Christ the King Sunday.

Let me personally say thank you for the support and sacrifice given by attending our Saturday rehearsal in preparation for both Hanging of the Greens and Christmas Hope.  We all know the burden placed upon us this year for these holiday services has been quite overwhelming and consuming due to a late start, and that without any preplanning.  Thus, instead of us controlling the schedule, the urgency of meeting the demands of these services has controlled us.  Take comfort that the fruits of your efforts for the Hanging of the Greens were shown by the many who stayed a long time following the service at the reception. 

Still, we have a huge task before us in preparation for Christmas Hope on Dec. 15 and 16.  It is crucial that everyone spend as much time as possible practicing the music at home.  Utilize the listening files on this blog.

I want you to know that I am happy to be serving alongside you here at FCNB.  There is light at the end of the tunnel, but let's go the extra mile these next to weeks to ensure that those in attendance at Christmas Hope will experience the same beauty and quality they've come to expect from us.

My prayers are with you.


Cheryl Mills, Thank You

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Cards from our choir family...


Christmas Music Schedule

Many of you have been asking about how the songs for Christmas line up.  Here is the basic order of songs for the holiday season.  Please note that any Sunday morning songs we sing will be taken from this list as well.  For example, we will sing We Do Worship Thee on Christmas Eve as well as one of the Sunday mornings in December.

Songs for Hanging of the Greens

O Come, Emmanuel......................................................(Praise Team only)
Let's Have a Christmas Celebration
      O Come All Ye Faithful
      Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
      Angels We Have Heard on High
      O Come All Ye Faithful (reprise)
Down In Bethlehem.......................................................(Praise Team only)

Songs For Christmas Hope

Sing We Now
     O Come All Ye Faithful
     Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
     Angels We Have Heard on High
     O Come All Ye Faithful (reprise)
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear.......................................................(Solo)
Away in a Manger (Kirkpatrick)
Away in a Manger (Murray).....................(Children and Choir Ladies only)
I'll Give My Heart
Glory to God
Glorious Impossible.....................................................................(Ensemble)
Adorar Al Nino.....................................................................................(Solo)
What Child is This............................................(solo and Choir Ladies only)
The Light of Christ........................................................(Choir and Children)
The First Noel................................................................(Choir and Children)
Silent Night....................................................................(Choir and Children)
O Holy Night.....................................................................(Praise Team only)
Joy to the World
Christmas Blessing

Songs for Christmas Eve (all songs net yet chosen)
We Do Worship Thee

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Take Up Your Cross

Every year, I find myself extremely humbled when All Saints Day rolls around.  The Church has always esteemed those for whom the cost of faith has been their very lives.  Through them, we are reminded of the words of our Lord when he said “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me."  [Lk 9:23]

In America, our daily faith may simply amount to prayer, bible study, and ministry.  If we have any cost then, it is the cost of our time.  Especially today, we can find ourselves extremely selfish with our time.  Unlike the cultural context of days gone by, it is not unusual for each of us to find ourselves working 50 hours a week plus involvement away from home 4-5 nights a week.  Like many of you, I struggle with controlling my schedule rather than it controlling me.  It takes forethought to ensure the priorities of life are in balance;  job, family, church, recreation, and world.  In the many years of service in the church, the majority of Christians I have served with do not complain about fear of their lives, fear of physical harm, the inability to pray or study the bible.  The biggest "persecution" is their lack of time, or in reality, the frustration that they must make choices in regard to their time.   The choices we must make can be costly, but we cannot mistake the costliness of living out our normal lives in the world with the costliness of discipleship that our Lord speaks of or that has been demonstrated through lives poured out in sacrifice as the Church and Bride of Christ. 

 Some years ago, the congregation I was serving in took special time to observe the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.  Without the benefit of electricity, we huddled in small groups, attempting to read a passage of scripture from the single flame of a candle, and struggling to hear each other as we whispered our prayers together for our persecuted brothers and sisters.  In that moment, I overheard someone say, "I don't understand why we are praying specifically for the persecution of others.  I am persecuted every day just as they are."  My heart sunk.   How can we in America ever compare our "persecution" with those who could at any moment, lose their lives for exercising the simplest of privileges we enjoy as Americans?

I do not want to belittle the struggles any of us face as Christian, no matter how small, but let us "in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." [Phil 4:6b] At the same time, let us "do everything without grumbling or arguing." [Phil 2:14]

This year, as All Saints Day is upon us once more, let us take a moment to honor those who have gone before us; not only those we know of by Church history, but those whom we have personally known.  Let us remember and thank God for those individuals who have had a Godly influence upon us, given us a cup of cold water in his name; who are now absent from the body, but present with the Lord!  Let us also remember those for whom the battle is still raging, who may be called upon this very day to pay the ultimate price for their faith.
Go on your way rejoicing;
Surrounded as you are by such a great cloud of witnesses,
                take courage as you face each new challenge,
                and comfort when you pick yourself from a fall,
In whatever good you choose to do,
precede it with hope,
accompany it with prayer,
and follow it with thanksgiving.

 The blessing of God Most Wonderful,
whom the saints have trusted as
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
will be with you
now and ever more.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Something to chew on...

Jesus tells his 12 apostles in Mark that if they want to be first
in the kingdom of God they must be the servant of all.
Not just servants of those that might get
them into higher places, but of everybody they meet.
They must be last in order to be first.

Thoughts for those serving our church through Worship Ministries

You are not a member of this team simply because you are good or talented.  You have been given this opportunity by God because He is good. His grace allows you to represent Him in spite of your  imperfections. (Ephesians 2:4-10; Titus 3:5)

Your “performance” will not be what determines your success.  Millions of people can produce great music, drama, art, etc. God once made a donkey talk! Your success will be dependent on your love for God, people, and each other. The biblical definition of greatness is servanthood. (I John 3:23; John 13:12-17; Philippians 3:9-11)

This ministry is not a substitute for personal prayer and Bible study.  While it's true there is a closeness in the group with each other and the Lord, this is not a replacement for your personal relationship with Jesus. Your ongoing care for your spiritual growth through prayer and Bible study will enable you to properly relate and contribute to the ministry of this group. (Hebrews 10:24-25)

Your participation in this group makes you a minister (servant).  Be mindful that people will look to you as an example; by your words and deeds you could lead them astray or lead them to Jesus. We are involved in spiritual warfare. (I Corinthians 15:33,58; II Corinthians 4:1-2 & 5-6; Exodus 33:6; Ephesians 6:12; I Thessalonians 5:22)

You are not the “main attraction.”  The focal point of this team's effor is Jesus Christ. When you lose sight of that fact, you become a liability to the group. (Colossians 1:18)

Worship leadership demands excellence!  God gave His best through Christ and everything He does is perfect. We therefore show our appreciation by giving our best back to Him. (Matthew 5:16) Because poor quality will draw attention to us, the messengers, and distract from the message, excellence is important for the sake of those whom we serve.

God is a God of order, not confusion.  You will be expected to be punctual, accountable, dependable and flexible according to the needs of this ministry. Our structure and standards are important for the total good of the ministry. Regular, consistent attendance is expected. (I Corinthians 14:40; Romans 12:11-12)

Confess your faults.  Nobody is perfect; therefore, there is no need to make excuses. Let someone know when you have a real problem and let's all pray about it. We are all in this together. No communication is the worst communication. We will grow in grace together. (James 5:16)

Support your leaders.  God has placed your leaders in their positions and they need your constructive support (especially through prayer). When you have a concern, criticism, or complaint, please ex­tend the love of God through direct, honest communication at a time when you can speak privately with them.

Our team's aspiration is to be worshipers of God, worshipping with our whole mind, body and soul. (Mark 12:30).

Thursday, September 13, 2012

New Beginnings

I want to personally say thank you to everyone for making me feel so welcome.  I thank God for providing safety in our journey here, and for his mercy and faithfulness which we all experience every day.   

This blog is not meant to start something new, but to carry on the tradition of the Loft Talk which preceded my arrival.   It does add an extra interactive dimension to the Loft Talk.  The benefit of your questions and comments can be seen by all.  Our current plan will allow for a printed copy of the basic material contained on this blog, however, it will not contain the content of the online interactive comments.

Finally, this blog is your blog.  Please let us know how we can serve you better with your comments and suggests.

May the Lord add his blessing to our efforts as we strive to serve him and his Kingdom.
