Prayer for the Week

O God, whose blessed Son came into the world that he might destroy the works of the devil and make us children of God and heirs of eternal life: Grant that, having this hope, I may purify myself as he is pure; that, when he comes again with power and great glory, I may be made like him in his eternal and glorious kingdom; where he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.†

Friday, January 25, 2013

Performance at the Jewish Federation Shuk

Israeli Fair  at Robarts Arena, Sarasota

Just a quick reminder about our performance at Robarts Arena on Sunday, Jan. 27th.  If you have music with you, please be sure to bring it Sunday and it to Tom or Bev on Sunday, otherwise you will not have music for the performance.  We are not taking extras.  We will take all music in binders on the bus with us.  The bus is scheduled to depart immediately following the morning service. 

Please were black and white, and accent with royal blue if you have it.  Additionally, there will be food booths at the shuk, however, you may pack a lunch if you prefer.

If you are driving, please meet us in back left side of the arena through the cyclone fence gates at 2:30 p.m. 

The platform is just inside the back doors.  There will be stairs onto the platform.  There will be no risers, so we will arrange ourselves in 4-5 rows by height, etc.  We will be singing three songs:

Great is the Lord Almighty
(modified lyrics with Hebrew text)
The Majesty and Glory of Your Name
Days of Elijah


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Be a Squealer

A Time for Recruitment

I have found that many people will not simply join a choir on their own--even if they want to be part of it.  Bulletin or pulpit pleas are also nigh to worthless as well.  I've found that many are just waiting to be asked and want to feel they are personally wanted.  This personal contact is the key to helping people find their way into our choir family.  Never undersestimate the power of that personal invite. 

I'm calling on our church family to "Be Squealers" on those who they know sing well or just love to sing.  We will be placing cards on the chairs for our church familiy to help us in our recruitment process by having them suggest names for us to contact.  We can then contact these individuals personally to extend that personal invitation to join us.
This spring, I'm asking each of us as choir members to seek out and personally invite two people to join us for our spring project (only a 4 month term).  If and when they come to our choir room, it is important that we personally come alongside them for a couple of weeks (or better yet, the four month term).  Coming to an existing is like going to a new church; there is some anxiety about not knowing what to do, where to go, etc.  It is our job to be concious of new people and help put them at ease by removing those scary "unknowns."  Look for those you've personally invited--be with them in choir--pray for them at home.
BEFORE YOU INVITE, spend time in prayer.  Your inviting efforts alone will not be as effective without the annointing of the Spirit upon that invitation.  Pray that you may have the Lord's eyes to see as he sees and reveal to you those to whom you can reach out.
Lastly, dream big!  Don't feel limited by simply inviting two people.  Invite as many as you feel comfortable with.  However, don't be trite.  Remember, just asking everybody for the sake of asking is really no different than a mass pulpit plea.  People don't simply want to be part of another group or organization, they want to belong to a family where they feel wanted, needed, and cherished.
Today, as I write this, I am personally lifting us up in a special prayer asking that God would help us better serve his church by giving us insight into loving his people and helping them answer their God-given ministerial call.  May God go with you and grant you success.